桃县公交是桃县所有居民都可以使用的公共交通服务. 桃县运输公司提供前往医生办公室、杂货店和药店的交通服务. 在县外就医和透析也可提供交通服务. The service operates Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. 直到下午5点.m.
票价:1美元.每站00美元,最高5美元.00 in-county; $2.每站00美元,最高6美元.00 out-of-county
桃县 Transit operates on an advanced reservation basis. 要安排行程,请在行程前的周一至周五提前致电478-825-5995.
- 请提前几分钟在路边等车.
- 如果您将无法或选择不采取您的计划行程, please contact us to cancel as soon as possible, at least 24 hours before your scheduled pickup time. 旷课浪费了原本可以用来运送他人的资源. 滥用此权限者将被取消或暂停服务.
- 禁止在桃县运输车辆上吃、喝、吸烟. 食品和饮料只有在密封在防泄漏容器中才能携带上船. (No Alcoholic Beverages)
- 公共汽车前排的座位是为老年人和残疾人保留的. Please use these seats only if necessary.
- 在车辆行驶过程中,请勿与操作员交谈. 安全是我们的首要任务,你的操作员的全部注意力需要在驾驶上.
- 只有在使用耳机并将音量调低到不打扰其他乘客的情况下,才能播放音乐.
- 所有留在车上的物品将在下次车辆投入使用前送到办公室. 如果你认为你可能落了什么东西在飞机上,请给我们办公室打电话.
- 乘客只允许携带他们自己能够携带的包裹. Drivers are not required to assist with packages.
- 司机可协助乘客上下车. Drivers are not allowed to enter homes.
- Pets are not permitted on board 桃县 Transit vehicles. 我们欢迎受过训练的服务性动物协助残疾人士.
Wheelchair-accessible service is available. When you call to schedule your trip, 请让我们知道您在上车或下车时需要的任何帮助. 为了所有乘客的安全,我们的政策要求轮椅必须固定在车上.
- 允许使用呼吸器或便携式氧气的人员上车辆;
- 允许服务性动物陪伴残疾人;
- 个人护理人员可以免费陪同残疾人士.
Division of Aging Services (DAS)
- Trips to and from 高级中心s
- Trips to and from medical appointments
- 购物之旅
- Trips to and from work/employment
- 实地考察旅行
- 支付账单的旅行
Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS)
- 支援临时援助贫困家庭(TANF)受助人(就业)的旅行, 职业培训, 找工作, 等.)
- Trips to and from technical schools and adult education
- 食品券领取者往返于工作体验场所的行程
- Trips to and from medical appointments
- Trips to and from mental health centers
- 其他非?TANF旅行
- Trips to and from substance abuse treatment
- Trips for social services
- 各种各样的旅行
- Trips to and from employment locations
- Trips to and from day centers
- Trips to and from mental health appointments
- 往返于社区培训和融入活动
- Trips to and from 职业培训
- Trips to and from medical appointments
- Trips for social services
- 各种各样的旅行
Division of Public Health (DPH)
- Trips for immunizations
- Trips to and from Public Health Clinic and to and from stores
- 到诊所进行产前检查和其他产前预约
- Trips to scheduled medical appointments Department of Labor
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program (DOL/VRS)
- Trips to and from school
- Trips to and from employment
- Trips for 找工作 and job placement
Title VI and ADA Policies
桃县 Transit (PCT)特此通知,PCT的政策是确保完全遵守1964年《新皇冠现金官方》第六章, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 以及所有项目和活动的相关法规和规定.
第六章规定,在美利坚合众国,任何人不得, 以种族为理由, color, 性别, or national origin be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, 或在MTA接受联邦财政援助的任何计划或活动下受到歧视.
To view or download a copy of PCT’s Title VI policy click here.
《新皇冠现金官方》(ADA)禁止歧视,并确保残疾人就业机会均等, State and local government services, 公共设施, 商业设施, 和运输. 它还规定设立TDD/电话中继服务. 《新皇冠现金官方》的现行文本包括2008年《新皇冠现金官方》所作的修改.L. 110-325), which became effective on January 1, 2009.
To view or download a copy of PCT’s ADA policy click here.
How to file a Title VI or ADA Violation Complaint?
- 根据第六章或《新皇冠现金官方》,任何认为自己受到非法歧视行为侵害的人都有权提出正式投诉. 任何此类投诉必须以书面形式提出,并在指称的歧视之日起180天内提出. The complaint should include the following information:
- Your name, mailing address, and how to contact you (i.e., telephone number, email address, 等.),
- 确定该投诉是否违反了第六章和/或《新皇冠现金官方》;
- 你认为自己受到歧视的方式、时间、地点和原因. 包括地点, names and contact information of any witnesses, and other information that you deem significant.
桃县 Transit System
谷堡, GA 31030
To download a complaint form, click here:
A complaint may be filed directly with the following:
Federal Transit Administration
Attn: Title VI or ADA Program Coordinator
东建筑, 5thFloor – TCR
新泽西大街1200号, SE
U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
Coordination and Review Section – NWB
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Notificación al Público de los Derechos Bajo el Título VI
La sistema de tránsito de 桃县
- 桃源县歌剧系统tránsito, Sin distinción de raza, color y origen nacional, de conformidad con el Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles. 非法居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留居留Título六, 梅肯县的交通系统.
- Para otener más información在Peach县系统中建立了一个文明发展方案tránsito, y los procedimientos para presentar una queja, contacte a 478-825-5995; o visite nuestra oficina administrativa en 云杉街700号, 谷堡, GA 31030.
- 如有需要请联系información en otro idioma,请联系478-825-5995 (telsamono)
- tamambisamuede出席下列会议:Administración Tránsito民主联邦办公室Atención: Título六方案协调员, 东建筑, 5楼- TCR, 新泽西大街1200号., SE, 华盛顿特区20590