
车主必须重新登记并缴纳从价税, 如果适用的话, 每年在他们生日前的30天内. If the vehicle is owned by more than one person, 然后,用名字最先出现在头衔上的人的生日来确定注册期限. 新购置的车辆必须在购买之日起30天内登记.

When purchasing or transferring a vehicle, 你应该立即申请你的头衔,并在桃县税务专员办公室获得或转让乔治亚州的车牌. When moving to Georgia, 从你搬家之日起,你有30天的时间来申请或转让所有权和注册.

If your address has changed, 你应该把你在乔治亚州驾照或身份证上的地址更正一下 Georgia Department of Driver Services, then have your address changed at our office. 


任何在2013年3月1日或之后购买的车辆都需要缴纳 一次性 所有权税(TAVT)根据车辆的价值由乔治亚州税务局设定. 这项TAVT取代了格鲁吉亚大多数车辆的年度从价税和销售使用税. 在所有权从一个所有者转移到另一个所有者时支付该税. 新住户只须缴付首次业权/登记时缴交的款额的50%. 剩余的50%必须在12个月内付清(租赁车辆除外,必须付清100%).                       

在格鲁吉亚,1986年以上的车辆不需要有车牌号. 也, 运输总重量不超过2000磅的拖车, are not required to be titled in Georgia. 前业主(卖方)发给新业主(买方)的销售单据是必需的. 如果卖方不同于乔治亚州承认的最后一个所有者, 表格T-22B须由执法人员填写.


Titling a Vehicle With No Lien

  • Out of State Title
  • Current Registration from Previous State
  • Proof of Georgia 保险
  • Georgia Drivers License with 桃县 Address (没有P.O. 框)
  • 当前里程 (not required if vehicle is 10 years old or older)

Titling a Vehicle With Lien

  • T-17留置权持有人誓章(可在吊牌处索取)
  • Current Registration from Previous State
  • Proof of Georgia 保险
  • Georgia Drivers License with 桃县 Address (没有P.O. 框)
  • 当前里程 (not required if vehicle is 10 years old or older)


  • 载货重量达14000磅的乘用车和卡车的吊牌费:20美元.00*
  • Title Transfer Fee: $18.00
  • Trailer Tag Fee: $12.00
  • Replacement Tag, Decal, or Title: $8.00

*车辆总重量超过14000(卡车和装载)的卡车按重量收费. 机动车辆牌照和费用的时间表可以在机动车网站列出的格鲁吉亚部门找到.

Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fee 添加到任何纯电力驱动的车辆上, 天然气, 丙烷, 双燃料, or dual fuel including hybrid-electric vehicles. 任何被列为替代燃料车辆的车辆,每年须接受以下评估:

  • Non-Commercial Vehicle: $213.69
  • Commercial Vehicle: $320.54


  • Vehicles weighing 15,500 to 26,000 pounds: $50.00
  • Vehicles weighing 26,001 pounds & 在.: $100.00

机动车辆的从价税在原车主的出生日期开始征收. Vehicles owned by a business are due based on the first letter of the 业务 name. The tax is based on the 40% value of the vehicle. 税 are due on a vehicle, even when the vehicle is not in use; however, if the registration has been cancelled, 在车辆重新登记前,无须缴付吊牌费.

Vehicle Tag Renewals

Vehicle Tag Renewals can be processed by mail by completing the renewal form received in the mail and returning it to the 税务专员s Office; bringing this form to the office, 或在线. 续期必须在主拥有人的出生日期或之前进行, when owned by an individual, or the last day of the month for a business.

逾期登记的罚款是10%的税和25%的牌照费. 这些处罚在截止日期之后立即开始.


根据乔治亚州法律,任何在乔治亚州行驶的车辆都必须投保. 如果由于任何原因车辆保险被取消, 必须通知税务专员办事处,以便取消注册. 这将保持任何保险失效费或暂停被放置在车辆上.

我们接受支票, 现金, 汇款单, or the following debit/credit cards: Visa, 万事达卡, Disc在 or American Express. There is a small fee for using a debit/credit card.

You can contact the tag office at 478- 825-3161; the fax number is 478-827-1312. 该办公室位于桃县法院, 205 West Church Street, 103套房, 谷堡, 格鲁吉亚31030年. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. 直到下午5点.m.

我们在拜伦有一个分公司,星期二和星期四上班. 它位于拜伦市政综合体,上午8:30开放.m. until Noon and 1:00 p.m. 直到下午5点.m. The phone number is 478-654-6521; fax is 478-654-6510.

有关车辆登记的进一步资料,请浏览 Georgia Department of Motor Vehicle Website